Saturday, January 17, 2015

Saturday: Slowly by Slowly

By Erika Rizkallah

For several years my church has been helping the people of Lagutu, Uganda rebuild and restore their village which was ravaged by the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army).  In this incredible human tragedy, thousands of parents were slaughtered. Their captured children were forced to fight as soldiers by the rebel invaders.

Progress and healing is slow but the Ugandans have a popular saying:

                                  Slowly by slowly...

Slowly by slowly - in its own time or in God's timing - things will get done.

Living with Small Fiber Neuropathy , chronic pain and Fibromyalgia has forced me to change my pace. And the way I think . . .  about everything.

I've decided that this year, I will adopt the Slowly by Slowly motto for myself. Instead of despairing or being perpetually frustrated, I will embrace my limitations. I will consider it a gift from God that keeps me grounded and present in each moment.

And I will take pictures of my progress along the way because my illness robs me of memory. Slowly by slowly, my children will grow and mature and things that matter to me will get done. These small accomplishments will remind me that, oh yeah . . . I did do that!

So here are my first small Saturday: SbS pics for this day on January 17th -

Tidying up my little porch area
Bringing life (hopefully) to some weather beaten pansies

Your Turn: Do you have your own Slowly by Slowly accomplishments to tackle?


  1. Thank you for the reminder, Erika. I hate slow but, like you, I find it can be a special way for God to show us good things. And to show us Himself.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree Sondra! The seeing God in this for me has already begun . . . so exciting:) Thanks for the comment!

  2. I love this Erika! We want everything to be accomplished yesterday. And i know you positive outlook against the pain you face will discourage the enemy. Slowly by slowly I plan to do the things placed in front of me to do...a little bit on each everyday rather than focusing on only one thing all day. So maybe my motto is "little bit by little bit." :) I'm sharing.

  3. Love your "little bit by little bit" phrase Andy. LOL - I'll use that when my slowly by slowly starts to frustrate me. As always, I appreciate your encouragement!
