Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Working Out

It's funny how people perceive me - here's a glimpse:

"So how much do you run? Like 5 miles a day?"
"How do you stay in such great shape?"
"Not everyone has the time to work out like you do."

I don't work out and I absolutely hate running; I can't even run to the end of my street without becoming bitter about the pain in my thighs. I hate sweating, jumping around and again, pain. I hate pain, so much that I haven't worked out in 9 years. I know this because that's when my son was born. I tried to lose the baby weight, took boot camp class and was so sore I couldn't walk down stairs. I've not exercised since.

All that changed two months ago when I admitted that I've been deceiving myself ... and others. When questioned about my workout pursuits I'd simply tell people the truth, that I don't work out but I like walking. I deceived myself into believing that I was semi-healthy, despite the flab and cellulite.

Some people who know me personally and are reading this are already thinking snarky comments like, "yeah right!"

Cut it out.

You only know what you think you know. It's your perception but it's not the truth.

I learned the truth the hard way, because when I admitted my self-deceit to God and decided to do something about it, I took radical action. I got a personal trainer. Not just any trainer. I hired a young woman who's training for the 2012 Olympic Women's boxing team. Truthfully, God put her directly in my path. She was sent to me and I was the dummy who said, "Okay!"

She causes me pain - great pain - twice a week. She also makes me sweat and smiles when I explain my frailty and make excuses about why "I can't". Then she makes me lunge, squat and lift until I'm certain cardiac arrest is imminent. I've stopped saying, "I can't" and get to work.  Oddly, I never die and I guess God's trying to teach me something.

Real workouts are tough. Real workouts cause pain. I'm learning...I don't like it, but I'm doing it anyway.

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
    Philippians 2:12-13

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