Friday, August 10, 2012

Death Unexpected

"Yes, Lord," she told him, "I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world." John 11:27

In this passage of scripture, Jesus is talking to Martha, the sister of Lazarus. Earlier in the week, Lazarus got sick and died, and Jesus has come to visit the family. He and Martha are somewhere, away from the other mourners, and he's just told her, "Your brother will rise again." When she says, "Yes, I know he will rise again one day, at the resurrection," Jesus challenges her thinking. He basically says, I'm in charge of all life and death.

                   Do you really believe what I say?

Right now, I'm experiencing an unexpected death of sorts; it's the death of my eldest daughter's childhood. It seems as if this summer, she's leaving that life behind and crossing over, into adulthood. Of course, she's still a teenager and does teenaged things, but she's also making some life changing decisions and taking huge steps. Right now, she's flying home to North Carolina from Boston all by herself.

This is a child who, last month, couldn't even go into CVS without taking someone along.

Trusting God to guide my children into the next stage of life is harder than anything I've ever experienced. The expression, "It's time to cut the apron strings" comes to mind, but I don't wear aprons so I feel like I'm the one being cut.

And yet, I believe Jesus and every word He speaks into my spirit about this time of my daughter's emerging new life.

How about you? Is there something you need to trust Jesus with today?

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