Monday, October 15, 2012

Teaching Kids To See God at Work

Today in my Greek study these words hit me with full force:

"You have to crawl before walking."

The author was talking about the tedious study of grammar, but it applies to how I'm teaching my kids to know God. Before we can trust someone, we have to know them. We have to know they're trustworthy. But how do you reinforce this with adolescents and teenagers who question everything they've previously been taught?

I think the answer lies in the basics. I'm teaching them in the same way I learned to trust him when I was a new believer 15 years ago - through the practice of prayer.

For over a year, I sat in my first life group and listened to people pray and then thank him for the answers - whether good or bad. Before I could read the Bible for more than a minute or two, I learned by hearing and writing the prayers and praises of others.

In my home, I use a simple prayer board like this...

When we hear a prayer need, we write it down on old scrapbooking scraps and then write the answered prayer on the backs when the time comes. I keep the answered prayers in a box so we can look back and be amazed at what God has done.

I'd love to hear how you teach your kids to know him better!

1 comment:

  1. I love that idea for the bulliten board, and especially writing the answers to the prayers on the back!! I am going to copy you :)
